This permit is required for demolition of the whole or part of any permanent structure, including a single-family house, multifamily or commercial structure, garage or storage shed. The permit includes clearing and grading if the foundation is being removed. It may or may not include SEPA review. (BE)
A demolition permit is not required if the structure to be demolished is currently exempt from the requirements for a building permit under Bellevue City Code 23.05.090.
Note: Some projects may qualify for a demolition permit without plan review.
Apply for this permit online through MyBuildingPermit.
King County updated its Construction and Demolition (C&D) ordinance and best practices for C&D. Information on current waste management requirements are available on the county's Construction and Demolition Materials Management webpage. The county's information provides requirements for handling C&D materials, area maps of C&D material recovery processers, transfer stations and more.
Required Documents
The documents listed below are the minimum necessary to proceed with the application process. If you believe that a required submittal document does not apply to your project, please upload the Document Waiver Form in place of the required document.
- Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP)
- for projects with less than 7,000 square feet of clearing and less than 100 yards of grading, a CSWPPP Short Form for Small Construction Projects may be submitted.
- Disconnection of Water/Sewer Service Form
- Site Plan A
For assistance with electronic plan submittals, refer to Requirements for Electronic Plans
Additional Documents
These items may be required during plan review, as determined by the scope of your project.