Predevelopment services (also referred to as predevelopment review) is a way to get ongoing, detailed feedback and help from us on your development concept prior to submitting an application for the project. (DC)
The purpose is to help you early in the permitting process to develop a complete formal application and quality project design or to help you investigate issues that require in-depth analysis from city staff.
- You can learn how regulations may affect your development proposal before you commit significant money, time and energy toward a specific course of action.
- Predevelopment services let you work with expert city staff to investigate design options and apply city codes and policies to your project, based on the unique characteristics of your property and proposal.
- These services help you identify the criteria by which your project will be reviewed, enabling you to present your proposal in a subsequent formal application.
- It can reduce the review time of a formal application when design and technical issues have been resolved beforehand.
Service Limitations
Predevelopment review is a way for us to assist you during the feasibility and preliminary analysis phase of your project. The information we provide does not constitute a formal approval or permit and is dependent on the level of information you give us.
Predevelopment Review vs. Preapplication Conference
In the permit center, you can gather general information about your property or use, codes and polices, and the approval process.
Predevelopment review (DC) is a way to get ongoing assistance during your project development, and may include written correspondence and/or virtual/in-person meetings with staff. This is not required, but it is encouraged to help you resolve issues and understand the permit process and requirements before you submit an application.
A preapplication conference (DB) is a one-time opportunity to meet with us, present a conceptual proposal, and get more specific written feedback on it. This is available for only specified projects. Refer to the Preapplication Conference page for more details.
Projects that Benefit from Predevelopment Review
- Critical area analysis and development scenarios
- Preparation of traffic impact analysis
- Unique or complex building types
- Nonconforming sites, structures or uses
- Development in design districts
- Preparation and review of critical areas studies such as:
- Wetland delineation or confirmation Geotechnical reports
- Stream typing reports
- Site-specific Comprehensive Plan Amendment proposals
Application and Fees
To get predevelopment review started, submit an application online at MyBuildingPermit.com. When entering your Application Information, choose the following:
- Application type: Land Use
- Project type: Nonresidential or Multifamily Residential or Single Family Residential
- Activity type: Preapplication Services
- Scope of work: Predevelopment
You will be required to submit some or all of the following documents and forms:
- Bill-to Form
- Environmental Consulting Services Form
- Predevelopment Services Application
- Project Description or Narrative
- Supplemental Information for WCF Modification under 6409(a)
How will feedback be documented?
City comments will be documented in writing. The timeline will depend on the complexity of the assistance you need. Before work begins, it is a good idea to discuss with assigned city staff your schedule and the level of detail you require.