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The Finance Department manages the city’s investment and debt portfolio through the following activities and functions.
Investment Management
- Manage the city’s investment portfolio by analyzing daily economic news, reviewing broker offerings and executing trade. Report accurately and timely on investment functions, perform ongoing cash forecasting and due diligence on banks.
- Maintain a well-diversified laddered investment portfolio. Detect early the deterioration in banks’ credit quality.
- Manage the city’s investments within the city’s policy 100 percent of the time to ensure the long-term financial stability and health of Bellevue.
- Read the city's Investment Policy
Debt Management
- Manage the city’s debt portfolio, and monitor market opportunities for refunding bonds. Coordinate bond issues with the city’s FA and Bond Counsel. Report accurately and timely on debt. Perform ongoing due diligence on debt.
- Provide expertise in managing the L-T financial strategy for funding capital projects. Ensure compliance with bond covenants, state and federal rules and regulations.
- Manage the city’s debt within the city’s policy 100 percent of the time to protect the city’s financial integrity and credibility while providing funding mechanism to meet the city’s capital needs.
- Read the city's Debt Policy.
IRMA Exception Letter - the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to Rule 158 of the Securities and Exchange Commission.