The Accounting team analyzes and verifies financial data, performs monthly and annual financial closings, produces timely and accurate financial reports, applies generally accepted accounting principles, ensures compliance with state and federal regulations, monitors grants, and performs internal reviews.
The Budget team leads and coordinates the development and execution of the City's biennial Budget and seven-year Capital Investment Program (CIP) Plan, including development, monitoring and reporting. Prepare financial forecasts, long-range panning and financial modeling. Provide ad-hoc financial and policy analysis and ensure that systems, tools and procedures are in place to support the areas listed.
Business Systems
The Business Systems team coordinates, prioritizes, plans, and implements financial business process reviews and system projects. Serves as liaison with the Information Technology Department and client departments and develops a strategic vision for technology with City departments and leadership.
Tenant Services
The Tenant services team has four primary areas of focus: manages meetings and events that take place in City Hall’s public meeting space; manages the parking and employee transportation services program; provides public service at the service first desk; and manages the MyBellevue mobile app and web portal.
The Disbursements team audits invoices, works with customers to meet their needs and processes payments. The division also processes payroll for city staff.
Director's Office
Finance & Asset Management (FAM) has one of the most diverse set of responsibilities of any City department. FAM oversees financial functions such as business taxes and licenses, accounting, budgeting, claims and vendor services/purchasing as well as managing the City's fleet, real property, and land survey functions.
Facility Planning
The facility planning team has a team of project managers who plan, coordinate, and manage construction and resource conservation projects at major city facilities. Project types include major maintenance, tenant improvements and capital improvements.
Facility Operations
The Facility Operations team has a team of highly trained maintenance personnel dedicated to supporting continuous reliable operations, and overall stewardship of major city facilities. Their goal is to maintain an environment that is safe and functional for all employees and the community while keeping facility costs at a minimum.
Fleet & Communications
The Fleet & Communications team provides management and oversight of the city's fleet and equipment used by city departments to provide services to the community.
The investment team manages the City’s investment and debt portfolios. This division reports accurately and timely on investment and debt functions, performs ongoing cash forecasting and due diligence, ensures compliance with bond covenants as well and state and federal regulations, and provides expertise in managing the city’s long-term strategy for funding capital projects.
Land Survey
Land survey produces and maintains specialized maps and survey data.
Performance Management
Leads and coordinates the City's performance management program, including measurement, evaluation and reporting.
Procurement Services
The Procurement Services team facilitates and coordinates competitive contracting processes. Oversees the development of contracts. Ensures compliance with laws and policies. Informs and educates customers. Processes procurement orders for internal customers by sourcing and negotiating pricing with vendors. Maintains electronic vendor database and manages city-wide surplus.
Real Property
The Real Property team assists city departments in all facets of real estate transactions – providing strategic advice and purchasing property rights for city projects ranging from street rights of way and utility easements to parks. We also sell city-owned property when it becomes surplus.
The Tax office administers business taxes and business licenses including associated business fees that are authorized by Bellevue City Code.
The Treasury team manages the City's banking activities and implements new technological banking solutions as appropriate. Reconciles revenue and liability accounts. Bills and collects accounts receivables and provides oversight on account receivable write-offs.