Recently wildfires have become a rising concern across our state. I believe historically, that many of us have pictured these events as a problem for those East of the Cascade range. However, as we’ve seen in the last few years, we have been experiencing abnormally warmer temperatures with minimal precipitation. This can create conditions that make the West side equally vulnerable to wildfires, or alternatively urban interface fires. We all enjoy our parks and open space throughout Bellevue and want to protect it along with our own properties.
Here are some helpful tips you can implement to reduce risk or exposure to wildland, urban interface fire.
- Clear all flammable vegetation; rake and remove from under and around structures
- Make sure trees have a 15-foot space between each other and that the branches are no lower than 15 feet from the ground
- Remove branches extending over the roof-line of structures
- Prune branches and shrubs within 15 feet of a stovepipe or chimney outlets
- Ask the power company to clear branches from power lines
- Mow your grass regularly; collect and dispose of lawn clippings
- Clear a 10-foot area around propane tanks and the barbecue
- Regularly dispose of newspapers and garbage
- Properly dispose of stove, fireplace, and grill ashes
- Store flammable materials such as gasoline in approved safety cans and away from the base of buildings
- Stack firewood at least 100 feet away from your home
- Review and update your homeowner’s insurance policy
- Consider replacing typical shrubbery with more fire-resistant varieties.
Please also visit Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for more information on protecting your home.