City of Bellevue, Parks Scheduling Office
- Office: 425-452-6914
- Field Closure Line: 425-452-4860
- Urgent Issues for Scheduling Staff (e.g., Field Lights or Bannerwood Lock-out): 425-452-2864, leave a message
- Safety Issues: 425-452-6855
Bellevue School District
Field Scheduling Office: 425-456-4500
Marymoor Scheduling Office
- Office: 206-477-7275
- Field Closure Line: 206-205-3892
- Field Lights Line: 206-225-8936
Preparation/Field Care
User’s Responsibility
- It is the responsibility of the person/group with the field reservation to insure that participants, including opponents and spectators, understand the policies and procedures and that the referees/umpires understand the conflict resolution procedures.
- Ensure that the facility is cleaned up after each use, including dugouts, scorers’ booths, athletic field, and surrounding area. Remove all trash to the trash cans and/or dumpster. If the cans are already full, please take the trash with you and contact the Parks Scheduling Office for follow-up.
- Leave the field in better condition than when you arrived.
- Please do not throw or hit into cyclone fencing or backstops.
- Stay off outfield foul lines during batting practice and warm-ups.
- Users shall not make any modification (including, but not limited to: storage boxes, bleachers, goal posts, fencing, sani-cans, etc) to any athletic field without prior approval from the Parks Scheduling Office.
- Provide additional parking and crowd control, as needed. Overflow parking and/or crowd control plans may be requested by the City. Cars improperly parked at City parks may be cited by the Police Department.
- Please provide your own soccer nets and lacrosse goals.
- Young level youth baseball organizations are responsible for their own field lining and lining supplies on dirt infields, especially when multiple games are scheduled on the same day.
- Users must not use vehicles to perform field maintenance.
- Users performing their own maintenance must stay three feet from the edge of the outfield grass. Do not pull the drag mat into the edge of the grass. Always rake dirt towards the infield.
- Bases may not be moved without prior authorization. Little Leagues are responsible for providing their own breakaway bases. When using breakaway bases, the Little League is required to return the City-provided bases to the field after use. If breakaway bases are left on infields, they will be removed.
- Pitching rubbers may not be moved or removed. Please contact the Parks Scheduling Office if the pitching rubber is not at the correct distance.
- The sale of food or other items at our parks must be pre-approved by the Parks Scheduling Office.
- Dogs and pets are not allowed on athletic fields.
At Bannerwood
- Only Service Animals are allowed inside the ballpark, including the field, dugouts, AND bleachers. Emotional support animals and pets aren’t allowed.
- Sunflower seeds aren't allowed on the field or in the dugout. If present elsewhere, place all shells into the garbage.
- Metal cleats are prohibited on the infield synthetic turf, except the pitcher's mound.
- Parks Scheduling Office Field Staff will open/close the stadium and adjust light programming based on day-of-use changes. Please work with the Field Staff if changes are needed. Field user groups are still responsible for field and light fees based on day-of-use changes.
- Use of the Concession Stand must be pre-approved with the Parks Scheduling Office.
At Fields with Synthetic Turf:
- Dogs and pets are not allowed on fields.
- No food or drinks other than water are allowed on the fields. Other beverages, sunflower seeds, gum, and tobacco products not allowed on the fields.
- Use cones only for modified field marking. Painting lines, staking, or other forms of lasting field marking is prohibited.
- Metal cleats are prohibited on synthetic fields.
- Fireworks, motorized model cars, and launching of aircraft or rockets are prohibited.
- Users are not permitted to move soccer goals.
- Lacrosse goals are not provided by the City of Bellevue. User-provided lacrosse goals should not be used for other sports. After use, the goals should be returned to their storage area and secured with a cable lock.
- Snow on the fields cannot be removed/moved for field use. Snow needs to be allowed to melt naturally. Once melted, the field crew will need to redistribute the rubber pellets before the fields are safe for use. FYI: Snow sculptures and forts built on the fields cause the melting process to take longer, so knocking down sculptures can be helpful.
City's Responsibility:
- Provide bases and soccer goals. (On grass fields, soccer goals are usually installed in late August.)
- Perform general maintenance to ensure safety for all uses.
- Provide a fresh drag at the start of the day when games are scheduled, when possible.
- Perform afternoon maintenance for tournaments and adult softball league play.
King County's Responsibility:
The County is responsible for all general and routine clean-up, maintenance, repairs and field preparation for Marymoor fields 6, 7, and 8, based on the field schedule submitted by the City.
Scheduling Conflicts at the Field:
To minimize scheduling conflicts at the fields, please have a copy of your current Rental Confirmation (or Rental Amendment) at the field.
If both teams can produce a Rental Confirmation at the field, the Rental Confirmation with the most current date shall be valid.
If neither team can produce the Rental Confirmation at the field, the reservation cannot be enforced. Please use the following guidelines to determine who has priority:
- 1st Priority - Youth League Game
- 2nd Priority - Adult League Game
- 3rd Priority - Youth Practice or Scrimmage
- 4th Priority - Adult Practice or Scrimmage
If two activities of equal priority appear to be scheduled simultaneously, a flip of the coin will determine priority usage.
School games must be allowed to finish before other scheduled use.
Please contact the Parks Scheduling Office within 24 hours for follow-up, when possible.
Other Problems at the Field:
- For City fields, contact the Bellevue Parks Department. For URGENT issues (like lights or Bannerwood lock-out), leave a message at 425-452-2864. For URGENT SAFETY ISSUES, call Bellevue Parks Resource Management Division 425-452-6855.
- For lights at Marymoor fields, call 206-225-8936. For other problems, call 206-477-7275.
- For all fields, contact the Parks Scheduling Office by the next working day, so that necessary follow-up can take place quickly.
- Submit an Update Field Reservations Form if asking for credit for unusable field time or lights due to problems at the field. Form must be received no later than the first of the following month to be processed.