The NTSS group's goals include creating a safer roadway environment for all users, enhancing neighborhood livability and engaging the community to become active participants in the traffic safety process.
Staff is committed to working with community members to protect and preserve neighborhood livability by:
- Discouraging excessive speeds
- Minimizing cut-through traffic
- Reducing overflow parking
- Encouraging walking and biking
The NTSS group has many projects across the city that are currently underway or are recently completed, including:
- 132nd Avenue NE Speed Reduction: project to reduce vehicle speeds along 132nd Avenue NE from NE 40th Street to NE 60th Street
- 166th Way SE Traffic Calming: project to reduce vehicle speeds along 166th Way SE south of SE Cougar Mountain Way
- 173rd Avenue NE Traffic Calming: project to reduce vehicle speeds and fill in sidewalk gaps on 173rd Avenue NE from Northup Way to north city limits
- Eastgate/Tyee Safety Improvements: project to improve safety near Tyee Middle school including new sidewalk connections, mini-roundabout, and speed reduction elements.
- Local Street Speed Limit Reduction: proposal to lower the speed limit on most local streets in Bellevue from 25 mph to 20 mph.
- NE 28th Street Traffic Calming: project to reduce vehicle speeds on NE 28th St from 164th Avenue NE to Ardmore Park
- NW Bellevue Walkways and Safety Improvements: project to build sidewalk and crosswalk connections to/from several schools.
- Newport Heights Safety Improvements: project to reduce speeds along 119th Avenue SE to fill in sidewalk gaps near Newport Heights Elementary
- 116th Avenue SE Lane Striping
- 119th Avenue SE Speed Cushions
- SE 54th Place and SE 52nd Street Sidewalk
- School Zone Beacon Replacement Project: project to construct school zone flashing beacons to increase the visibility of school zones.
- South Bellevue Station Neighborhood Improvements: project to reduce vehicle speeds and fill in sidewalk gaps near the South Bellevue light rail stations
Staff work with community members to improve safety on residential streets. If you have a concern in your neighborhood, please complete a request for action form.
The Residential Parking Management program addresses neighborhood concerns with parking impacts of vehicles from adjacent businesses or other land use by limiting parking to people who live in a neighborhood or restricting all parking from a street during certain times. When parking in Bellevue, be sure to follow the parking rules.
The Residential Traffic Guidebook highlights the numerous services offered by NTSS. The Guidebook details the intent of each service, the benefits of each service and how they are implemented.