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2016 Sewer Engineering Standards (PDF)
Summary of 2016 Changes to Sewer Engineering Standard
Detail Drawings
- S-1: Standard Manhole
- S-2: Type 2 Manhole 72" and 96"
- S-3: Type 3 Manhole 72" and 96"
- S-4: Outside Drop Structure (Only where approved by the City)
- S-5: Inside Drop Structure
- S-6: Manhole Under 5 Feet Deep
- S-7: New Manhole on Existing Sewer
- S-8: Manhole Grade Adjustment
- S-9: Manhole Section Adjustment
- S-10: Manhole Cone Adjustment (Concentric to Eccentric)
- S-11: 24" Manhole Ring and Cover
- S-12: 24" Bolt-Locking Manhole Ring and Cover
- S-13: Safety Step and Prefabricated Ladder
- S-14: Typical Trench Detail
- S-15: Pipe Bedding
- S-16: Cleanout to Grade
- S-17: Side Sewer Stub
- S-18: House Sewer Connection
- S-19: Soil Cement Pipe Anchors
- S-20: Pipe Stake Anchor Assembly
- S-21: Side Sewer Relocation
- S-22: Timber Baffle/Hill Holder
- S-23: Lake Line Cleanout and Check Valve Assembly Installation
- S-24: Lake Line Cleanout and Check Valve Assembly Installation At or Below Hydraulic Gradient
- S-25: Cleanout to Grade for Lake Line Connection
- S-26: Check Valve Assembly for Joint Use Side Sewer 4" to 8" Diameter
- S-27: Sampling Tee
- S-28: 100 Gallon Baffle Type Oil/Water Separator
- S-29: 450-900 Gallon Baffle Type Oil/Water Separator
- S-30: 1100-5000 Gallon Baffle Type Oil/Water Separator
- S-31: Grease Interceptor
- S-32: Uncovered Paved Vehicle Service Area Drainage
- S-33: Casing Installation
- S-34: Single Home Sewer Pump System
- S-35: Project Sign
- S-36: Tapping Tee for Lakeline Sewer Connection
- S-37: Lakeline Stub Extension