Published April 26 2019

Bicycling isn’t just for small children and adults who wear stretchy shorts; it’s for everyone. And with Bike Everywhere Month in May, there’s no better time to hop in the saddle and pedal. The annual ridefest inspires thousands of casual bicyclists to participate.
In Bellevue, it’s easier than ever to bicycle. Since May 2018, the city has added a downtown demonstration bikeway, a bike share program and miles of new bike lanes. Also, a new section of the Eastside Rail Corridor regional trail has opened.
Below are some highlights of Bike Everywhere Month in Bellevue, a collaboration between the City of Bellevue, King County Metro, Sound Transit, Cascade Bicycle Club and the Bellevue Downtown Association.
- Eastside Bike Bash, Wednesday, May 1: Hosted by the city’s Choose Your Way Bellevue program, team captains and interested bicyclists are invited to attend, 4-7 p.m., at the REI store in Bellevue, 410 116th Ave. NE. Enjoy snacks and learn about local bike projects. Please RSVP at
- Bike Everywhere Challenge, May 1-31: The Challenge, sponsored by Washington Bikes, is a free and friendly competition. Ride alone or with a team, logging trips online. Sign up as a captain and lead up to 10 riders.
- Bike to School Day, Wednesday, May 8: Join riders nationwide for Bike to School Day. Also, public school families can learn more about Bellevue SchoolPool, a partnership that encourages sustainable transportation options and alleviating congestion at drop-off and pick-up locations.
- Bicycle Commuting class, Thursday, May 9: Cascade presents the basics of urban cycling, noon to 1 p.m. at Bellevue City Hall, Room 1E-112. Topics will include gear, clothing and rules of the road. Free pizza will be provided. Space is limited, available on a first come, first served basis. An RSVP is required.
- Bike Everywhere Day, Friday, May 17: In Bellevue 6-9 a.m., celebration stations will be located: downtown at the Bellevue Transit Center (sponsored by Sound Transit); at the Interstate 90 Trail/Enatai (hosted by Choose Your Way Bellevue) and at the SR 520 Trail/Evergreen Point (hosted by TransManage and the City of Kirkland). Snacks and free goodies will be available. Learn more.