City Council meetings are conducted in a hybrid manner, with both in-person and virtual options. Whether you are attending in person or virtually, you may register to speak at Council Oral Communications starting at noon the day of the meeting. In-person assistance to register to speak is available at 5 p.m. outside the City Council meeting room on the first floor.
To attend a meeting online, you can do either of the following:
- Call 253-215-8782 and enter webinar ID 981 6779 1723.
- Go to Zoom and enter webinar ID 981 6779 1723, password 137192.
The meeting may also be viewed live on Bellevue TV channel 21 or livestreamed on Bellevue Television YouTube.
Through proactive leadership and governance, the City Council provides high-quality services and facilities to meet the needs of a growing, dynamic community (agendas and minutes). They support the city's mission and vision, guiding the city according to the council vision.
Seven councilmembers, elected at-large, serve staggered four-year terms. The councilmembers, in turn, select a mayor and deputy mayor from among themselves. The council sets the general policies of the city, which are implemented by the city manager and staff. As your representatives, the councilmembers are available by telephone, mail or email.