Bellevue's Neighborhood Outreach Team offers a variety of events and classes for residents who want to learn more about their neighborhoods, community and city government.

Neighborhood Leadership Gatherings
Come join the discussion! These semi-annual gatherings are open to anyone who has a passion for investing in their community and a willingness to share their heart, vision, priorities and best practices with other like-minded leaders across Bellevue.
Bellevue Essentials
Bellevue Essentials is a ten-week course on city government in action. This class provides an overview of the structure and daily operations of the City of Bellevue, and hands-on activities to address current challenges facing the city. Class runs from September thru November and space is limited to 35 participants.

Neighborhood Forums
These are offered each year to provide educational opportunities for neighborhood leaders and residents. Classes either focus on a current topic of community interest or on a set of skills and tools that are useful to residents and/or neighborhood associations. Times and topics vary.

Experience Bellevue
Experience Bellevue provides interactive experiences and tours to discover new places and learn more about the city.