Utilities offers guidance on how to arrange pickup and where to drop off items in multiple languages.
Printable Guides
Appliances (large)
- Call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 to schedule a pickup (large appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, stoves, dishwashers, clothes washing machines or dryers, and water heaters - place next to carts as separate item) – fees apply
- Factoria Recycling & Transfer Station: accepts three appliances per load (refrigerant type: $30 each)
Appliances (small)
- Call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 to schedule a pickup (2 ft. x 2 ft. x 2 ft. or smaller and fewer than 60 lbs. and place on top of or next to your recycling cart) – no fee
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center (2 ft. x 2 ft. x 2 ft. or smaller and fewer than 60 lbs.) – no fee
- Factoria Recycling & Transfer Station (mostly metal appliances) – no fee
Batteries (Alkaline, Button, Rechargeable & Non-rechargeable)
Place batteries in separate, clear, sealed bags. Tape both ends of batteries.
- Call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 to schedule a pickup – no fee
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center – no fee
- Factoria Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Site – no fee
Bikes & Bike Parts
- Donate bikes in good condition to charity – no fee
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center – no fee. (Scrap metal only, Not for bikes in good condition.)
- Factoria Recycling & Transfer Station – no fee to recycle if 50% or more metal
Books (hardcover)
- Donate books in good condition to charity – no fee
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center – no fee
- Factoria Recycling & Transfer Station – no fee
Clothing & Textiles
- Donate items in good condition to charity – no fee
- Call Republic Services at 425-452- 4762 to schedule a pickup (place clean, dry clothing and household textiles in clear plastic bags next to your recycling cart) – no fee
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center (place clean, dry clothing and household textiles in clear plastic bags) – no fee
- Factoria Recycling & Transfer Station (clean, dry clothing and household textiles) – no fee
- Threadcycle: a King County Program. Find local organizations that want all your clothes, shoes, and linens for reuse or recycling – even damaged items – in any condition except wet, mildewed or contaminated with hazardous materials – no fee
Construction & Demolition Debris
- Call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 to rent a container you can fill for disposal – fees apply
- Factoria Recycling & Transfer Station (not accepted from dump trucks, dump trailers, flat beds that dump, or roll-off boxes and items restricted to 8 ft. long and up to 200 lbs.) – fees apply
Cooking oil
- Call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 to schedule a pickup (seal oil without large solids in clean, clear, screw-top plastic jug with your name and address on it and place next to your recycling cart) – no fee
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center (seal oil without large solids in clean, clear, screw-top plastic jug with your name and address on it) – no fee Limit 3 gallons per drop-off or pickup/10 gallons per year
- E-Cycle Washington: a Washington State program. Recycle broken, obsolete, or worn-out electronics (TVs, computers, computer monitors, tablets, e-readers, and portable DVD players at no charge at participating locations) – no fee. Search for nearby drop-off locations
- Call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 to schedule a pickup (2 ft. x 2 ft. x 2 ft. or smaller and fewer than 60 lbs. and place next to your recycling cart) – no fee
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center (2 ft. x 2 ft. x 2 ft. or smaller and fewer than 60 lbs.) – no fee
Fluorescent Tubes & Bulbs, CFL, & HID Lights
- Light Recycle Washington: Recycle fluorescent lights, CFLs, and HIDs at no charge at participating locations. Search for nearby recycling locations.
- Call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 to schedule a pickup (Limit 2 tubes/bulbs each pick-up and 10 bulbs/tubes per year) – no fee. Handling instructions: wrap tubes in paper and secure with tape (no longer than 4 ft.); seal bulbs in a plastic bag.
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center (Limit 2 tubes/bulbs each pick-up and 10 bulbs/tubes per year) – no fee. Handling instructions: wrap tubes in paper and secure with tape (no longer than 4 ft.); seal bulbs in a plastic bag.
- Factoria Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Site – no fee (limit 10 bulbs/tubes per vehicle per day. If tubes are longer than 8 ft, call 206-296-4692 for more disposal options.)
Mattresses or Box Springs
- Drop off to Factoria Recycling and Transfer Station - fees apply
- Call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 to schedule a pickup (place next to carts as separate item) – fees apply
Medicines (unwanted, unused or expired)
- Return medicine securely at one of the many local drop-box locations. Visit www.Med-Project.org or call 206-296-4692 to find the location closest to you.
Motor Oil, Filters, Brake Fluid and Gasoline (up to 25 gallons)
- Factoria Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Site – no fee
- Find shops near you that accept used, uncontaminated motor oil. (drain oil into reusable container, take to a location below, pour into collection tank) Fees may apply.
- Find shops near you that accept used motor oil filters. (drain oil filter for 24 hrs., collect the oil for recycling) Fees may apply.
As of April 1, 2021, PaintCare provides drop-off locations throughout Bellevue and Washington State! There is no cost to drop off paint - it's covered by a fee applied to new paint sales. Drop off sites accept latex and oil-based paints, stains, deck sealers and clear finishes in original containers that are 5 gallons or less.
Visit www.paintcare.org or call 855-724-6809 for locations near you!
- Donate items in good condition to charity – no fee
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center (rigid plastics such as buckets, PVC pipes, laundry baskets, plastic lawn furniture, toys, and coolers) – no fee
Propane Tanks & Cylinders
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center (empty cylinders only – no tanks) – no fee
- Factoria Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Site (maximum tank size is 8 gallons. Call Blue Rhino at 800-258-7466) - no fee
- Choose refillable propane containers
Scrap Metal
- Call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 to schedule a pickup (Large items only - smaller pieces okay in cart. No greasy auto parts.) – fees may apply
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center (All scrap metal with exception of greasy auto parts) – no fee
- Factoria Recycling & Transfer Station (items are accepted for recycling if they are 50% or more metal and up to 8 ft. long and up to 200 lbs.) – no fee
Shredded Paper
- Bring confidential paper documents to a community shred event – learn about upcoming events
- Shredding with a service, instead of at home, allows the paper to be recycled. Shred only what you nee - shredded paper has fewer recycling uses than whole sheets of paper.
- Shredded paper cannot go in your home recycling or composting carts. If you cannot take shredded paper to a shred event, it belongs in the garbage.
- For more info on what and if to shred, and how shredded paper is used, check out this webinar with presentations from the Attorney General of WA, as well as staff from Shred It, Georgia Pacific, and Norpac Paper Mill.
Styrofoam Blocks
- Republic Services Recycling Drop-Off Center (no packing peanuts) – no fee
- Take clean, dry packing peanuts to Pak Mail for re-use (2620 Bellevue Way NE)
Wood (unpainted, untreated, unstained)
- Factoria Recycling & Transfer Station (unpainted, untreated, unstained lumber, plywood, pallets, and crates and no wood more than 8 ft. long) – fees apply.
Other Resources
Become a better recycler with the following: